Dr. Aswini Kumar Pathak Discusses The Expanding Scope Of Arthritis: A Cross-Generational Challenge

At what age is the risk of arthritis higher? Can children and young people be affected by this disease? What kind of lifestyle changes should be made to avoid arthritis? Orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Aswini Kumar Pathak advised on precautions and remedies for arthritis.

Arthritis is no longer a health issue confined solely to the elderly; it's increasingly affecting children and young individuals. This ailment manifests in various forms, with rheumatoid arthritis impacting children and osteoarthritis affecting adults. Osteoarthritis tends to be more prevalent in older individuals, particularly those who've endured wear and tear on their joints.

Recognising the signs of arthritis is essential. Symptoms like pain while walking, gradual deformities in the legs, and discomfort in the feet are common indicators. Those who find themselves strolling through hilly or uneven terrain, needing to pause frequently, or struggling with heavy loads during extended walks might be at a higher risk of osteoarthritis. As people approach their forties and beyond, the prevalence of this condition increases, leading to joint stiffness, pain, and slow mobility.

The diet plays a crucial role in managing arthritis. Carbohydrates and fatty foods should be moderated, but complete avoidance is unnecessary. For those aiming to shed pounds, certain foods should be consumed in moderation. Arthritis often hampers physical mobility and leads to weight gain, exacerbating the condition. In some instances, it may even culminate in disability, necessitating surgical intervention. Physical therapy and exercise are vital components of arthritis management. Prevention is better than cure, as excess weight can aggravate this condition.

Moreover, individuals experiencing excessive stress on their hip joints are more susceptible to arthritis. It's worth noting that genetics can also play a role in the development of arthritis. Therefore, being aware of the potential risk factors and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are key to reducing the burden of this ailment across all age groups.

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