Dr. Binod Kumar Binaykia Explained Why Heart Attacks Are Increasing Among Young People

Why is the incidence of heart attacks increasing among young people? How can one recognise the symptoms of heart problems? Does stress increase the risk of a heart attack? What can be done to avoid this danger?

Dr. Prof. Binod Kumar Binaykia, a cardiologist, provided urgent advice regarding the crisis and caution regarding heart attacks.

A recent statement by Dr. Binod Kumar Binaykia highlights a concerning trend of increasing heart-related issues among individuals below the age of 40. While previously associated with middle-aged or older demographics, heart problems are now prevalent even among those in their 40s or younger. On average, it is noted that at least one of every five individuals under 40 is affected by cardiovascular issues.

Analysis reveals a significant rise in heart attacks among the younger generation since 2006, with a yearly increase of approximately 2%. Medical professionals attribute this surge to various factors, such as weight gain, fast food consumption, and an unregulated lifestyle. Obesity and diabetes emerge as major contributors to heart attacks, signalling a growing health crisis in the country.

The data underscores a staggering reality: nearly 11 crore people in India are affected by diabetes, with an additional 14 crore considered pre-diabetic. These individuals also face an elevated risk of heart attacks. Unhealthy lifestyle choices, including excessive weight, smoking, and high blood pressure, contribute substantially to this health crisis, even affecting young adults between 20 and 30 years old.

Dr. Binaykia explains that a heart attack occurs when the blood vessels in the heart, responsible for blood circulation, become narrow. This constriction leads to damage in the circulation area. Those with high cholesterol, smokers, and regular alcohol consumers are at higher risk.

The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the situation, witnessing a rise in heart attacks and strokes among recovered patients. However, the primary causes of heart attacks remain obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Stress and depression also play a significant role in escalating heart-related concerns.

In conclusion, the emergence of heart problems among the younger population in our country is alarming. Lifestyle changes, increased awareness, and preventive measures are crucial to curbing this growing health crisis. Both individuals and healthcare professionals must work collaboratively to address the root causes and promote heart-healthy living.

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