Managing Joint Pain During Menopause: Tips And Insights Given By Dr. Manish De

Why is there joint pain after menopause? Can menopausal joint pain lead to arthritis? What should be done to avoid joint pain at this time? Dr. Manish De, an expert in pain management, explained everything in detail.

Dr. Manish De said that joint pain is a common issue among women aged 45 to 55, affecting more than 50% of this demographic. This type of pain can result from various causes, with one significant factor being the decrease in oestrogen levels after menopause. When oestrogen declines, it can lead to cartilage depletion in the joints, causing joint pain. If you experience such pain, consulting a specialist is essential, as it can stem from menopause or other factors.

After menopause, various symptoms may emerge, including reduced sleep, weakness, fatigue, weight gain, and different types of pain, particularly in the joints and muscles. To manage these symptoms, lifestyle changes are crucial. These changes encompass dietary adjustments, exercise, medications, and injections. Avoiding oily and spicy foods becomes imperative, while incorporating calcium- and iron-rich foods into your diet is recommended.

Regular walking for at least 150 minutes a week is highly beneficial. Paying attention to meal timing and portion sizes is also essential. Post-menopause, it's advisable to consume leafy greens, dairy, turmeric, or ginger-related foods. If you can't consume dairy, yoghurt or buttermilk are viable alternatives.

Fish oil is essential for joint health during menopause. Neglecting a healthy lifestyle can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Therefore, controlling the diet and engaging in physical activity can help mitigate such problems.

Joint pain varies in intensity, location, and onset time. It's important to diagnose the source of pain through tests. Menopausal patients may undergo bone mineral density tests to check for osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile. Proper management and exercise can alleviate such issues.

To reduce joint pain in menopausal women, certain home remedies can be effective. If you are experiencing knee pain, gentle knee exercises can help. Sitting with proper posture and avoiding heavy lifting can alleviate back pain. Changing your sitting habits, not sitting in one position for too long and taking breaks can reduce hip pain.

Menopausal women should be aware of the potential for joint pain and other symptoms post-menopause. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is crucial for managing these issues. Seeking professional guidance and diagnosis is essential for effective pain management.

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