Unraveling The Tapestry Of Osteoarthritis: Insights From Dr. Anupam Das

Arthritis includes 100+ joint disorders. Common types are osteoarthritis (cartilage wear, pain) and rheumatoid arthritis (immune attacks, inflammation). An accurate diagnosis is vital for tailored treatment.

What is degenerative joint disease, or osteoarthritis? What are the symptoms of this disease, and what are the ways to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis? Dr. Anupam Das, MS Ortho from AIIMS Delhi, discusses various types of arthritis, highlights the differences in pain between normal joints and arthritic joints, and provides insights on how to manage and potentially cure it.

Dr. Anupam Das sheds light on degenerative joint disease, commonly known as osteoarthritis, emphasising that the term "degenerative" stems from the gradual wear and tear of joints. Typically appearing around the age of 30–40, osteoarthritis affects joints, especially the knees, as cartilage deterioration leads to bone-on-bone friction and discomfort.

While traditionally associated with older individuals, the changing lifestyle has brought this condition to a younger demographic. Those with a family history face a higher risk, and sudden joint pain, often in the knees, prompts individuals to seek medical attention.

Symptoms manifest as a gradual onset of pain, particularly after prolonged activity, with relief experienced after resting. Dr. Das notes variations in pain types, and in severe cases, individuals may feel pain when resuming activity after prolonged rest.

Siberian osteoarthritis presents unique challenges, altering the pain experience. Factors beyond lifestyle, including genetics and parental history, contribute to susceptibility. Secondary osteoarthritis, triggered by factors like excess weight, can manifest post-trauma.

Contrary to common belief, dietary habits don't directly cause osteoarthritis, but weight gain exacerbates the condition. Dr. Das emphasises that increased weight intensifies joint stress, escalating the risk of joint degeneration.

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of osteoarthritis is crucial. Dr. Anupam Das highlights the importance of early intervention, urging individuals experiencing joint pain to consult healthcare professionals promptly. Whether it's making lifestyle adjustments or considering genetic predispositions, proactive measures can enhance joint health and overall well-being.

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