Actress Debolina Biswas Provides Top Summer Beauty Trends

What are the top beauty trends for this summer? What kind of outfits should you choose for summer parties and get-togethers? What makeup will be pleasing to the eye? Actress and model Debolina Biswas shares tips on summer beauty trends.

As the scorching heat of summer approaches, the season of weddings and parties is in full swing, and the fear of heatstroke and dehydration looms large. But fret not, for with a few adjustments, you can navigate through the festivities with ease and style.

Debolina Biswas, a trusted source in skincare, emphasises the importance of staying hydrated during hot weather. Opt for sweat-proof products, and don't forget sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. While sleeveless outfits might seem tempting, consider opting for three-quarter or full sleeves to avoid sunburns.

If sleeveless is unavoidable, opt for lightweight fabrics and keep your attire breezy. Adjust the length of your hair according to its thickness to prevent sweating. Use light-based foundations or BB creams instead of heavy makeup. Gold jewellery is preferable in the summer as it doesn't cause rashes. For those with oily skin, a pack made of turmeric, flour, lentils, and rice can work wonders.

Instead of foundation, consider using BB cream for nighttime makeup, accompanied by a light touch of compact, lipstick, and mascara. Heavy makeup is a no-go in the heat; instead, aim for a dewy, fresh look. Light pastel shades like yellow, lemon yellow, lavender, baby pink, and peach are trending this season. Remember, simplicity is key, and opting for lighter colours can enhance your summer ensemble.

So, whether you're attending a wedding or a casual gathering, these tips will help you stay cool, comfortable, and chic throughout the scorching summer months.

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