Dr. Diptanshu Das Explains: How Can You Control Your Child Anger Issues?

Do you sometimes get into trouble because of the child's excessive insistence and anger? Tired of serious bad habits? But do you know why your child behaves like this? Is the child's behaviour a symptom of a disease? How do you calm your stubborn child? A paediatric neurologist, paediatrician, and general physician, Dr. Diptanshu Das, explained to us in detail.

When a child throws a tantrum, it's crucial to realise that it's their way of communicating. Sometimes, it's because they want something, while other times, they might be trying to express frustration or seek attention. Viewing tantrums through the lens of ABC (antecedent, behaviour, and consequence) can help decipher what a child is trying to convey.

Behaviour, in this context, represents the tantrum itself. It's essential to differentiate between when a child is genuinely distressed and when they're simply using tantrums as a strategy to get what they want. If a child believes that tantrums lead to rewards, they're more likely to resort to this behaviour.

Antecedent refers to what happened before the tantrum. Did something trigger it? Perhaps the child faced a communication barrier, struggled to express themselves, or encountered an unexpected change in routine. Identifying these antecedents can provide valuable insights into why tantrums occur.

Consequence signifies the aftermath of the tantrum. If a child realises that tantrums result in the desired outcome, they'll be inclined to repeat the behavior. Conversely, if parents or caregivers don't give in to the tantrum, it can break the cycle and discourage future tantrums.

However, it's important to remember that not all children have the same reasons for tantrums. Many factors, such as delayed cognitive development, emotional challenges, or even conditions like ADHD or autism, can contribute to tantrum behavior. In these cases, tantrums may serve as an outlet for their struggles with communication or emotional regulation.

Understanding a child's emotional landscape is crucial. If a child consistently faces difficulties in expressing themselves, experiences frustration, or lacks essential coping skills, they may resort to tantrums. Recognising these underlying issues and addressing them can be more effective than solely focusing on curbing tantrum behaviour.

Parents and caregivers play a vital role in shaping a child's behaviour. Building a strong, empathetic relationship with a child and dedicating time to their development can help mitigate tantrums. When children feel heard and supported, they're less likely to resort to tantrums as their primary means of communication.

In conclusion, tantrums are not just about the behaviour itself but are a complex interplay of antecedents and consequences. Recognising and addressing the underlying causes, whether they are communication barriers, emotional struggles, or developmental challenges, can be the key to helping children navigate their emotions and reducing tantrum episodes. It's a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a commitment to fostering healthy emotional development in children.

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