Veteran actor Victor Banerjee is returning to Bengali cinema after quite a long time with director Tathagata Bhattacharya’s upcoming film ‘Akorik’ which is also featuring actress Rituparna Sengupta. This film is sort of a reunion for the two actors since both of them had once acted in quite a few critically acclaimed films. The plot of the film ‘Akorik’ revolves around the story of a 75-year-old man who grew up in a traditional Bengali joint family structure and a 10-year-old boy who lives with his mother, who happens to be a single parent. Apart from actors Victor Banerjee and Rituparna Sengupta, the film casts actors Anuradha Roy, Supratim Roy, Jayashree Adhikari, Sudeshna Chakraborty and Angana Basu among others in important roles. Produced by Iceberg Creations and Co-produced by Deepak Parik, the storyline of the film is written by Salil Sarkar. The film was screened at the 28th Kolkata International Film Festival and is releasing in theatres for the audience on April 7th, 2023.
Actress Rituparna Sengupta, co-producer Deepak Parik and director Tathagata Bhattacharya from Team ‘Akorik’ recently interacted with Jiyo Bangla on its exclusive show ‘Jiyo Adda with Anindita Sarkar’ and shared their experiences of making this film and shooting in Himachal.
Catch Team ‘Akorik’ exclusively on Jiyo Bangla!