This Summer Stay Safe with Guava

We all know that our diet becomes safe if we include one fruit every day. Middle-class Bengalis focus on buying the less expensive fruits for themselves. So they prefer fruits that are widely available in the tropical region throughout the year. The expense should be equal to the benefits. Even according to international surveys, guava can help you stay healthy and fit in almost all the seasons especially summer.

  1. Guava has good amount of water, therefore this can prevent dehydration in the summer season.
  2. Guava is an immunity booster fruit. It has four times Vitamin C content than that of fruits like oranges.
  3. Guava is very good to treat constipation. Do you know that the guava seeds can be chewed and that is highly beneficial for proper bowel movement?
  4. As we all suffer from the sweating problem a lot this summer season, we feel tired very easily. Guava acts as a stress buster and relaxes the nerves and muscles.

Many people suffer from cough and cold due to weather changes. As guava has iron and vitamin content in it, this also helps us to fight these problems.

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