Right foods At Wrong hours can damage your health

A Bowl of Salad, brown rice and veggies are good for your health, but consuming healthy foods at the wrong time wreak havoc to your health! Nowadays most of us seem to be inclined towards healthy living, and therefore also eat healthy by choice.

We have often heard of the term ‘balanced diet’. When it comes to balanced diet, though we consume healthy foods but probably due to our demanding schedules fail to maintain the timely intake of such foods. Although a balanced diet is important to maintain optimum health, timing is of the essence in this case.

For Example: Adding sugar to anything you eat can put you at a greater risk of gaining weight at night. Even eating something as healthy as a banana at night is not recommended.

We care for your health and today we thought of bringing to your attention five such healthy foods that you might be eating at the wrong time:



Worst Time to Drink: Morning

Stop drinking milk with your breakfast. Milk is rich in nutrients and therefore drinking milk seems to be a great way to start your day, but its best avoided in the morning as it takes time to digest and possibly lead to heartburn and stomach ache.

Best Time to Drink: Night

Even ayurveda texts suggest that milk is best as an end of the day drink for its sleep inducing properties. The nutrients in milk are better absorbed by our body at night. It relaxes the body and enables our cells to absorb the nutrients while you sleep.



Worst Time to Eat: Night

Avoid consuming it at night as you will be sleeping and there will be no exercise to burn off the excess calories consumed which in turn will be stored by your body as fat. Rice consumption during dinner in all possibility will promote weight gain and you don’t want that.

Best Time to Eat: Day

The perfect time to consume rice is during Lunch as it contains high amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will release a lot of energy which will help you going throughout the day.



Worst Time to Eat: Night

While curd is an essential part of our diet, however, consuming curd at night might lead to development of excess mucus in the body and therefore affect our respiratory tract and might lead to cough-cold. If you are prone to cough and cold, or are suffering from asthma, curd is best avoided at night.

Best Time to Eat: Day

It is the best time to consume Curd. It soothes the digestive system. Curd is a pro-biotic food and it helps in digesting food. Curd has an instant cooling effect on the body which helps to beat the summer heat. Also, due to the high phosphorus and calcium content of curd, it aids teeth and general bone health.



Worst Time to Eat: Night

Before putting that Muffin or Doughnut or even Waffle every evening you should stop and think. Is it healthy? Consuming sugar might just pile on the pounds. Eating sugar at night will aggravate weight gain.

Best Time to Eat: Morning

Our Body insulin is more effective in fighting sugar during the day time. It can burn more sugar during the day because we are more active at this hour. Also, strategic indulgence might help to avoid excessive weight gain. Eating substantial food before indulging in sugary treats will slow down the process of release of sugar in the blood stream.

Meat products


Worst time to Eat: Night

It is advisable not to eat meat products at night, as it takes longer duration than other food products to digest. Eating meat at night may therefore lead to disturbed sleep and also add to fat deposits in our body.

Best time to Eat: Day

Meat is a high source of protein and helps keep hunger at bay as it takes time for our body to digest the different nutrients in meat through the day. It is therefore best consumed during daytime. This phenomenon certainly helps to keep weight gain at bay.

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