Dum Dum Junction Repairing Work: After Repairs, Normal Services Have Resumed At Dum Dum Junction

Dum Dum Station's platform number five had been weakened beneath its tracks, prompting authorities to initiate reconstruction. This led to the suspension of multiple trains in the Sealdah Division of d due to similar issues. To address these concerns comprehensively, the decision was made to dismantle the old concrete and rebuild the track.

Work commenced on April 18 despite challenging weather conditions, with scorching heat and high temperatures. Despite these challenges, the railway authorities managed to complete the task within the stipulated time frame. Additionally, it's been revealed that new signage, lights, and modern signals will be installed in the area without any disruption to rail services.

The fifth platform at Dum Dum Station holds significant importance for the connectivity between the northern and southern branches of the Sealdah Division and circular railway. Deepak Nigam, the railway manager of the division, emphasised the urgency of completing the work swiftly, prioritising passenger safety.

During the repair period, approximately 30 local trains covering 12 coaches each were cancelled for 20 days. However, all train services have now resumed normalcy. Furthermore, expansion work on the platform in the Dumdum direction is ongoing at Sealdah Station.

Railway authorities have expressed intentions to complete yard remodelling at Sealdah Station in the coming months. However, it's noted that this may lead to disruptions in services from and to Sealdah on various trains.

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