Consuming these foods? You need to stop munching them

Are you munching on bedtime snacks or any beverages late at night? Then you need to stop right away. While foods like- an apple, a glass of milk or even light carby snacks help you sleep. But hankering for waffles even a chocolate bar can disrupt your sleep; even cause irritation throughout the night, bloated stomach and many more.

Munching few foods might sound like great idea, but it may not be that much fun for your body in the long run.

We bring you 4 such foods to avoid before bed

1. Sugary food or Hi-carb food: A bowl of cereal or even a sugary treat might sound delicious, but might not be a wise decision for your body. Ice-creams, white cookies, cakes and any other desserts will increase the glucose level in your blood, which will keep you awake for the whole night and disrupt your sleeping cycle. High glucose in blood leads to thirst, headaches and frequent urination.

2. Pizza: Thin crust pizza, pan pizza or even a cheese burst pizza might sound great for a movie night. But trust us when we say the extra cheese will give you a nightmare! According to a recent study, the acidic composition of tomato will lead to tummy aches and gastric problems. A 2-am trip to the bathroom is the last place you want to be.

3. Coffee: A late night espresso while reading a book is a must have. The harsh truth is that it affects your sleep. Studies suggest that, 400 gm. of caffeine reduce sleep by 1 hour and can also lead to insomnia.

4. Wine: A glass of wine or two might make you sleepy but alcohol will disrupt your sleep cycle. Alcohol disrupts slow-sleep pattern which is called the delta activity and the circadian rhythm. It will relax your body but it will make you prone to snoring and sleep apnea.

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