Bengal's Chief Minister Announces State National Anthem, 'Banglar Maati Banglar Jol' On Monday

On Monday, West Bengal's Chief Minister declared the state's official national song as 'Banglar Maati Banglar Jol'. The proclamation was made at the inauguration of the Legislative Assembly Museum, where the Chief Minister urged all residents to accord the status of national music to state compositions, akin to the national anthem.

The inaugural ceremony, attended by the Speaker and other legislators, concluded with the Chief Minister inviting everyone present to join in singing the state anthem, emphasizing the need to stand during the rendition.


“Today marks the commencement of our state anthem, ‘Banglar Maati Banglar Jol’. The journey begins from here,” expressed West Bengal’s Chief Minister.

Furthermore, she revealed that the same anthem would be performed at the inauguration of the upcoming film festival on Tuesday. The event showcased not only the state's music but also featured national melodies.

The Chief Minister had earlier discussed the matter during a meeting on August 29, where she highlighted the absence of a state anthem for West Bengal compared to other states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Uttarakhand. The lack prompted her to propose Rabindranath Tagore's composition, ‘Banglar Maati Banglar Jol’, as the state anthem.

The initiative gained momentum, resulting in the passing of the State Music Bill in the Assembly on September 7. Finally, on Monday, the Chief Minister formally announced this development to the residents of the state.

West Bengal now joins the league of states with a designated state anthem, symbolizing the cultural richness and musical heritage of the region.

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