Be an exceptional speaker

“Good Morning ladies and Gentleman, today I will be talking aaaa... about how to develop your concentration. I can see many faces smiling at me. Welll, aaaa,hmmm. So yaaaa....the point is...........”

This isn’t an impressive start to any public speaking. Being nervous, anxious and breathing rapidly are the common signs we face when speaking in public. We admire the outstanding public speakers around the globe. Public speaking is not just a job but a mission to accomplish and a few of us are terrific at it while some are awfully terrible at it.

As we know each day is a brand new day, show up in the mirror, inhale and exhale calmly and stick to these lovely tools.

Focus on imbibing the concepts

Mugging your nursery poems was fine but while speaking on stage and mugging up your content is not favourable, instead grasp the concepts. Mugging your script does not sound spontaneous. Take into account the important words from your content which reminds you about the speech.

Know the pulse of your audience

Before outlining a speech a public speaker has to understand its spectators. An excellent speaker will contemplate the age of its audience and occasion.

Rhetorical Questions

How many of you love dancing? Starting your speech with questions can act as magnetic tool. It let the audience develop a keen interest on the speaker. The speaker’s purpose is to catch the audiences’ eye.

Topic should be researched satisfactorily

You should have impeccable knowledge about the topic otherwise you land in trouble.

Practice makes a man perfect

Making yourself speak perfectly on the stage it’s your job. Practice your speech couple of times and you rock your show.

Fight the stress hormone

Doing a bit of exercises helps to retain your focus and practice meditation to calm your breath. Undoubtedly, such techniques will help to reduce the cortisol levels in your body. Once you can manage stress half of your job is accomplished.

Body language and eye contact

While speaking you should have an eye contact with the audience and a confident body posture is essential.  Your body should be straight with shoulders back and feet wide apart. Crossing your arms is a negative body posture and lastly use hands accordingly to bring out your emotions and attitudes in regard to your context.


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