Are you ready to meet Subarna Sen next summer?

It seems Abir Chatterjee’s new character ‘Subarna Sen’ a.k.a Sonada is here to stay! It is quite clear that this is not the end of this young history professor's adventures. SVF is riding high on the success of `Guptodhoner Sondhane' and is already working on its sequel. The sequel will hit the theatres next summer.


Abir Chatterjee, Ishaa Saha and Arjun Chatterjee who play the lead in the first film will reprise their respective roles in the sequel. According to Director Dhrubo Banerjee, the sequel will be an independent story and not a continuation of the first film. Titled as “Durgeshgorer Guptodhan”: the hunt will be in the forts of Bengal, he added.

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