Smart Resolution in smart World

2018 is just round the corner, and New Year involves lot of celebrations, fresh beginnings, new hopes, expectations, and of course New Year resolutions. Just like hopes and expectations does not always come true, so does resolutions!

Most resolutions fail, as we over-estimate our potentials, fall prey to the expectations of other people, or, do not have a realistic plan to achieve them.

But this time, it doesn’t need to be you. Resolutions can come true, only if they are meaningful and doable at the same time.

The goal to walk up to your resolutions is to be SMART. That’s just not the word, but a bit beyond that.

S- Specific: A concrete goal is a must to fulfill any resolution.

M- Measurable: Quantifying the essential change is important, as it lifts up our morals; and further boosts us in achieving the goal.

A- Achievable: Assessing one’s potential is important to make a resolution turn successful.

R- Relevant: The goal must be something that we strongly feel for, and not as per the expectations of other people.

T- Time Bound: We can only measure our achievements, only if they are time bound, and it is important to give relaxations, but never over-stretch.

Wish you have a positive New Year ahead!

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