Couch Potatoes rejoice… watching these short films can help you lose excess weight!

Many of us love watching movies and relaxing. But there’s nothing like a good old scary movie to get your adrenaline pumping! What if your dietician asked you to stop dieting and watch horror movies instead? For some of you, it will be great news! Research has proven that watching a scary horror movie might be an easy way to burn as many calories as a half an hour brisk walk. The scarier the movie, the more calories you are likely to burn! The reason for the same is because scary movies cause our heart rates to soar.

Cinema has come a long way from the chilling story of child possession, attack of ghouls and poltergeists etc. While a full-length horror film might make you burn quite a bit of excess fat, even feature or short films trending nowadays have the potential to scare the hell out of anyone. It is a whole new ballgame to make the audience jump on their seat and think 10 times before going for a pee break across the hall. Hence, keeping in mind your love of short horror films as well as keeping in shape without a lot of exercise, we have come up with a list of horror movies to help increase your metabolic rate and facilitate weight loss. These movies will surely give you the much-needed adrenaline rush.

1. The Moonlight Man: Have you ever noticed, late at night, the parking lots are engulfed in darkness and are deserted as hell! From the perspective of a young woman, the “The Moonlight Man” takes the trepidation to a whole new level.

2. Speechless: Want to explore the unknown and beyond? Then this short flick is for you. Imagine passing little notes under the door which will keep you safe! “Speechless” is the story of one such conversation between a boy and the world of the sinister.

3. The Cop-Cam: It’s is shot in found-footage style. This Movie deals with a police raid which goes horribly wrong…

4. Unknown Number: Imagine it is 11:00by your clock and you get a number calls you on a loop. It calls you again and again and again. Frustrated you, switch off your phone. But the paralyzing matter is your phone is still ringing. We suggest you watch your back…

5. Goodnight: Do you like bedtime stories? Then this movie is for the brave hearts. The story deals with a motherless boy and his widowed father meeting something unsettling and dark.

Word of advice: Don’t forget to look under your bed before sleeping. Someone might be lurking underneath waiting for the lights to go out…

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